What kind of movies does Kingsprimetv show?

We show the best of african movies and TV shows. This means a wide-ranging but carefully selected group of films that fall into any number of categories, from art-house, documentary and independent films, to contemporary award-winners, classics, and experimental shorts.

Are movies available to watch in HD?

Whenever possible, absolutely. Most of our contents are available to view in HD. Kingsprimetv will try to offer you the best quality depending on your internet connection.

Can I use the same subscription when I travel to other countries?

Yes, a Kingsprimetv subscription is a passport to cinema so you can enjoy our films wherever you are in the world. Enjoy Kingsprmetv anywhere.

How can I watch films?

By subscribing to Kingsprimetv you gain access to premium video contents. The longer you sign up for the more you save.

When do films expire and exit the line up?

After their 30 days are up, films will exit the program at the same time everywhere in a country. Meaning that depending on where you're located films may expire earlier or later than midnight.

How can I gift a Kingsprimetv subscription?

We do indeed offer the option to gift a 12 month subscription. Simply click here in order to set one up.